Thursday, May 5, 2011




Yes.  Remember in fifth grade when this hairstyle was HUGE?!  I remember doing it like, everyday!  Whatever, it's still totally in.  :-)  

To get those big giant bubbles, you've really got to rat the crap out of it!!!  Fasten the ponytail, then rat and fasten a bubble, then pull the bubble out until it's how you like it.  Then continue on my friends!  This takes seriously, five minutes max.  Quick and easy!  Looooove it!

So my little boy started walking today.  Can you believe that?  Holy crap, it's about time!  He's over 15 months!  He still prefers crawling, but he can totally walk!  The play I'm in ends Friday... so sad.  It'll be good to have my life back though!  K, well I hope y'all {yeah I totally just y'all} have a great day!  Much love!


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